Sunday, March 1, 2009


I have a dream...
every time, I close my eyes.
When the silence is deafening,
when the darkness engulfs me,
its you i see.
Beautiful and standing tall,
looking for someone.
I see me..afraid
and lonely.
"Come to me...
complete me.." I plead...
but you do not hear me,
its someone else you seek.
Do you not recognize me?
Eyes that you once looked into,
and made promises of forever...

Don't these hands seem familiar?
They're the same ones you held,
when you slept at night,
I see you with someone else,
you take her hand,
like you once did mine...
you look into her eyes
and are lost...what you say to her...
I know I cannot bear to hear.
It pains my heart to feel this way.
But my dream does not end here..
its my dream..allow me to spin it around you...
as long as you are in my dreams,
i am close to you...
i fear to think of what were to come...
If i stopped dreaming..nothing more to live for...
Hush..oh cruel world...
...I'm dreaming.


1 comment:

EJ said...

Really beautiful...Touching..could feel the pain that you wanted to express....